
«Tesuji» club conducts its official meetings each Friday from 17:00 to 01:00 in hobby-club «Trilogia», at the following address: Moscow, Bakuninskaya str., 17/28. Detailed routes from the station to the hobby-club are shown on the map at the bottom of this page.

Entry fee is 350 RUB per person.

Each official meeting is being announced on «Tesuji» vk page. Please note that the dates may be moved due to holidays or tournaments and also extra meetings may be scheduled. So follow the news on the website and vk page.

If you already have a company, you may come to play riichi mahjong on any other working day from 12:00 to 00:00. You can get mahjong set and table mat from «Trilogia» administration. Entry fee will also be 350 RUB per person.

If you want to play on weekend, please contact «Trilogia» administration beforehand to clarify if it is possible, as they may be holding their own events. «Trilogia» phone number: +8 (903) 728-22-89.

If there are no official «Tesuji» meetings or «Trilogia» major events on the given day you may also book automatic riichi mahjong table for you and your company. Booking terms and conditions can be found here.


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